Welcome! Ahlan Wa Sahlan! Khosh Amadid!

Welcome! This blog is about my thoughts, personal life experiences as well as my opinions. It's also about the Middle East and will touch on politics, history, culture and religion. Feel free to refer a friend, but please don't repost my content or photos without asking. Thanks, I look foreward to your feedback!

October 11, 2008

How Nazis Helped Create Israel!

What is truly evil? In the Western World, the Holocaust pops into mind. Hitler, gas chambers, and the 'architect of the Holocaust', Adolph Eichmann. However, the 'Holocaust' played a much larger role in creating Israel than Zionists want the world to know. Not because of the Jews who fled to Palestine but because the founders of Israel collaborated with the Nazis. (Yes, REALLY!)

Germany sent guns to the Hagana secreted in concrete barrels. The SS Army invited Zionist leaders to Berlin to help Jewish youth prepare for their transfer to Palestine. Worse, Zionist Pabel Polkas, representative for Hagana & immigration met with Eichmann & other SS Leaders (including Hagin) who he brought back to Haifa. Yes, both Eichmann & Hagin were guests in Palestine! Until the Mandate police learned who they were and they headed to Egypt. Eichmann was also a participant at the 20th Zionist World Conference. Why? Well their interests overlapped. Germany wanted the Jews out of Europe. Zionists wanted to create Israel in Palestine, win-win.

(Unless you're a Palestinian!)

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